Example application – Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

The Flask application queries a Redis sidecar for the secret and sends that as a response. That is not ideal, as you won’t send secrets back as a response, but for this demo, let’s go ahead with that.

So, first, let’s design our sidecar so that it pre-populates data within the container after it starts.

We need to create a secret named secret with a value of foobar. Now, base64-encode the Redis command to set the secret into the cache by running the following command:

$ echo ‘SET secret foobar’ | base64


Now that we have the base64-encoded secret, we can create a redis-secret.yaml manifest with the string as follows:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Secret


name: redis-secret


redis-secret: U0VUIHNlY3JldCBmb29iYXIK

Then, we need to build the Redis container so that this secret is created at startup. To access the files for this section, go to the following directory:

$ cd ~/modern-devops/ch5/multi-container-pod/sidecar/redis/

Create an entrypoint.sh file, as follows:

redis-server –daemonize yes && sleep 5

redis-cli < /redis-master/init.redis

redis-cli save

redis-cli shutdown


The shell script looks for a file, init.redis, within the /redis-master directory and runs the redis-cli command on it. This means the cache will be pre-populated with the values defined in our secret, provided we mount the secret as /redis-master/init.redis.

Then, we must create a Dockerfile that will use this entrypoint.sh script, as follows:

FROM redis

COPY entrypoint.sh /tmp/

CMD [“sh”, “/tmp/entrypoint.sh”]

Now that we are ready, we can build and push the code to Docker Hub:

$ docker build -t <your_dockerhub_user>/redis-secret .

$ docker push <your_dockerhub_user>/redis-secret

Now that we are ready with the Redis image, we must build the Flask application image. To access the files for this section, cd into the following directory:

$ cd ~/modern-devops/ch5/multi-container-pod/sidecar/flask

Let’s look at the app.py file first:

cache = redis.Redis(host=’localhost’, port=6379)

def get_secret():


secret = cache.get(‘secret’)

return secret

def index():

secret = str(get_secret().decode(‘utf-8’))

return ‘Hi there! The secret is {}.\n’.format(secret)

The code is simple – it gets the secret from the cache and returns that in the response.

We also created the same Dockerfile that we did in the previous section.

So, let’s build and push the container image to Docker Hub:

$ docker build -t <your_dockerhub_user>/flask-redis-secret .

$ docker push <your_dockerhub_user>/flask-redis-secret

Now that our images are ready, let’s look at the pod manifest, flask-sidecar.yaml, which is present in the ~/modern-devops/ch5/multi-container-pod/sidecar/ directory:



  • name: flask-app

image: <your_dockerhub_user>/flask-redis-secret

  • name: redis-sidecar

image: <your_dockerhub_user>/redis-secret


  • mountPath: /redis-master

name: secret


  • name: secret secret:

secretName: redis-secret items:

  • key: redis-secret

path: init.redis

The pod defines two containers – flask-app and redis-sidecar. The flask-app container runs the Flask application that will interact with redis-sidecar for the secret. The redis-sidecar container has mounted the secret volume on /redis-master. The pod definition also contains a single volume called secret, and the volume points to the redis-secret secret and mounts that as a file, init.redis.

So, in the end, we have a file, /redis-master/init.redis, and, as we know, the entrypoint. sh script looks for this file and runs the redis-cli command to pre-populate the Redis cache with the secret data.

Let’s apply the secret first using the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f redis-secret.yaml

Then, we can apply the flask-sidecar.yaml file using the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f flask-sidecar.yaml

Now, let’s get the pods using the following command:

$ kubectl get pod flask-sidecar










As the pod is running, it’s time to port-forward it to the host using the following command:

$ kubectl port-forward flask-sidecar 5000:5000

Now, let’s open a duplicate Terminal, run the curl localhost:5000 command, and see what we get:

$ curl localhost:5000

Hi there! The secret is foobar.

As we can see, we get the secret, foobar, in the response. The sidecar is working correctly! Now, let’s look at another popular multi-container pod pattern – the adapter pattern.

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